Iron Gate Martial Arts

Historical European Martial Arts School and Club in Fresno, California

About Iron Gate

Iron Gate, an historical European martial arts school in Fresno, California, specializes in studying the martial arts of Europe from the Middle Ages, with a focus on Armizare based on Fiore dei Liberi's manuscripts

Our Services


Learn the art of wrestling, a foundational skill in historical European martial arts.


Master the techniques of the longsword, a versatile weapon used in medieval combat.


Experience the power of the poleaxe, a devastating weapon used by knights in battle.

group of martial artists sitting on the grounds
group of martial artists sitting on the grounds

I've learned so much at Iron Gate. The instructors are knowledgeable and passionate about historical European martial arts.


2 men in red and black boxing gloves
2 men in red and black boxing gloves

Highly recommended martial arts school in Fresno for those interested in historical combat techniques: Iron Gate

silhouette of man standing on top of mountain during sunset
silhouette of man standing on top of mountain during sunset

Iron Gate's training is rigorous yet rewarding, providing strength, confidence, and deeper insight into medieval martial arts

7 persons stands on beach facing sea
7 persons stands on beach facing sea

Joining Iron Gate was a great decision; the community is supportive and the training is excellent

Contact Us

Contact us for more information or visit

(559) 331-4116